26 Nov The Truth About Calories On Menus In The UK
In 2022, calories on menus were introduced into UK restaurants, cafes and takeaways that employ more than 250 people. At the time, 63% of adults in England were overweight or obese. The cost to our already struggling NHS is an estimated £6.1 billion a year, according to Public Health England. There is no denying that we need to support people in leading healthier lifestyles and achieving good metabolic health. The government’s response has been largely calorie focused. It is a basic, somewhat outdated, approach to weight loss. Now, two years later, a new study shows whether or not the calories on menus are moving the needle when it comes to obesity.
If you want to achieve and maintain your ideal weight without obsessively counting calories, we can help. We are a team of qualified, experienced nutritionists who specialise in weight loss. Schedule your complimentary call today to find out how we can help you.
The food we eat outside of home makes up between a fifth to a quarter of an average person’s total calorie intake. Typically the portions of food or drink that we eat out (or eat as takeaways) contain twice as many calories as their equivalent made at home. As an example, on a recent visit to Joe & The Juice, we considered ordering a healthy-sounding smoothie. However, the visible calorie count (over 500) made us think twice, and we opted for a green tea instead. If you’re already conscious of calorie-counts, a visible reminder may be useful in helping you to make more informed choices. But this isn’t always the case for the general public, and calories don’t tell the whole story on whether a certain choice is the right one for you.
A recent study published in Nature Human Behaviour reveals that calorie labels on menus in England have not significantly changed consumer eating habits. Despite the introduction of these labels in 2022 to combat obesity, research showed that average calorie consumption remained largely unchanged, with diners consuming about 1,081 calories per meal post-implementation. While awareness of the labels increased, only 22% of customers used them to inform their choices. Experts suggest that more comprehensive strategies are needed to effectively promote healthier eating behaviours.
Calories are far from the be all and end all of weight management. Where those calories come from is a more important consideration. But what calorie labelling does do is raise conscious awareness. Someone going into a bakery chain every day without a second thought as to the amount of calories they’re consuming for lunch, may well start to think twice once faced with their meal’s total.
Read our guide: The Truth About Calories & Weight Loss
In focusing on supporting people in losing weight, it is important we do not forget those struggling with eating disorders.
Eating disorder charity Beat’s Chief Executive Andrew Radford said: “Requiring calorie counts on menus risks causing great distress for people suffering from or vulnerable to eating disorders, since evidence shows that calorie labelling exacerbates eating disorders of all kinds.” What I would like to see is the option for people to request menus without calorie counts. In the same way separate menus are available detailing all of the allergens in a dish at most restaurant chains. Then, if you prefer to ignore the calorie count, the option is available to you.
Let us not forget that this applies to chains with more than 250 employees. If you want to avoid calorie menus altogether, you can choose to support smaller businesses.
If you’d like some tips for healthier restaurant dining that don’t involve choosing the lowest calorie option on the menu, here’s an article on that very subject: 8 Tips For Healthier Restaurant Dining
We are a team of qualified nutritionists who specialise in weight loss. For many of the clients we work with, a more sophisticated strategy than simple calorie counting is required for lasting weight loss. If you’re ready to overcome your weight challenges, achieve your goal weight and maintain it long term, we can help. You can use this link to book in for a complimentary call today. This is an opportunity to talk through your challenges with a member of our team and decide together whether one of our Intelligent Weight Loss programmes is right for you. Or contact us to request a copy of our brochure and we will get back to you soon.
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