20 Jun 10 Ways To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
If you want to avoid holiday weight gain without missing out on all the fun, we’ve got you covered. As nutritionists specialising in weight loss, part of how we support clients is helping them navigate social occasions and holidays. Our goal is to move away from the ‘all or nothing’ to a place of true balance and moderation.
Before a holiday we will typically have a conversation with our clients and co-create a plan that enables them to strike a balance between enjoying themselves, but not in a way that results in them gaining significant weight. What that looks like can be different for everyone, but here, we share a few of our top tips.
You can book a complimentary call with us today to find out how we can help you reach your ideal weight and maintain it long term.
There is no ‘normal’ when it comes to holiday weight gain, though putting on a pound or two is very common. One study examined weight changes during the holiday period across the US, Germany, and Japan. It found that around 51% of participants gained an average of 0.6 kg (1.3 lbs), with greater gains in the US (0.8 kg) compared to Germany (0.6 kg) and Japan (0.3 kg). Weight gain was more pronounced among those who were overweight or obese before the holidays. This reaffirms that holidays are a common way to derail your weight loss journey and why accountability is so valuable for keeping you on track.
The type of holiday you choose can have a big impact, too, with all-inclusive, non-active holidays holding the most potential for weight gain. On the other hand, active, wellness-focused getaways can have the opposite impact. If you’re interested in exploring a health-focussed holiday that can support your weight loss, check out our article on 6 Weight Loss Retreats To Kickstart Your Journey.
Even if you’re not working with a nutritionist you can still take the time to make a plan in advance. Consider what you can do to strike a balance between enjoying yourself but not going OTT. Write the plan down and keep it somewhere where you can refer back to it. You might consider the following:
- What physical activity can you build into your trip? Perhaps you can combine this with sightseeing, such as a walking or cycling tour. Perhaps there is a local studio offering a kind of exercise you’ve never tried before, but would like to?
- What restaurants offer healthy versions of local cuisine? Check out restaurant menus online prior to booking to suss out what’s available in advance.
- What could you take with you to ensure you stay in good habits? Supplements? Healthy snacks? Resistance bands?
It’s prepared hours in advance and engineered to taste good at height, despite taste buds not working well in the air. Plenty of undesirable ingredients are used to achieve this. Some UK airports have a Pret or Itsu with healthy options you can take on board with you. Or, if your body is used to fasting periods, consider skipping food altogether and stick to just water while you’re in the air.
New environments can be exciting and distracting, but don’t forget to focus on your food when eating. Eat slowly, chew food thoroughly and recognise when you are starting to feel full. Avoid over eating. Before eating a treat, take a moment to ask yourself if you’re really going to enjoy it. Or are you eating that ice cream simply because you’re on holiday and it’s an ingrained association?
Read more: 5 Mindful Eating Tips
Jet lag and long journeys can compromise sleep and disrupt your body clock which in turn can increase hunger and lead to overeating. Lack of sleep causes an increase in levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, and reduces levels of the satiety hormone leptin. This can lead you to feel hungrier and less satisfied from the food you do eat. If you have a late night, allow yourself a lie in or get a nap in later in the day. Do your best to allow time for rest.
Read more: Is Poor Sleep Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?
If you’ve not yet booked your accommodation, take into consideration how where you stay will impact your food choices. Self catering accommodation can give you more control over what you eat. If you’re eating out at restaurants, it can be helpful to check the menu on their website prior to arrival. This gives you chance to make a plan in advance and identify the healthier options. You can do the same if you’re staying in a hotel and want to check out your breakfast and in-room dining options in advance.
Read more: A Guide To Healthier Restaurant Dining
Consider setting a limit around treat foods. For example, you might choose to have a maximum of one sweet treat per day, such as a pastry, ice cream or dessert. Eating these after a meal will reduce their impact on your blood sugar levels, helping to prevent fluctuations.
While away, aim to have two healthy, balanced meals per day structured around protein, healthy fats and plenty of vegetables / salad as usual. Then for one meal per day, you can be more flexible and choose whatever you like. Often it can work best to save your flexible meal until dinner. Starting your day with a healthy, balanced breakfast will set positive tone for the day. Going overboard with pastries and pancakes at the breakfast buffet, not so much.
Read more: How To Structure Balanced Meals
Pack portable healthy snacks such as KetoHana bars, Roam bars or Nibble Protein bites. These can be useful for plane journeys and to keep with you on days out. You can also have these before eating out to prevent excess hunger that could lead to overeating at meals.
Read more: Snacking: Good or bad?
Be mindful of how much you are drinking. Choose lower sugar drinks like dry wine and Champagne or good quality white spirits with slimline tonic or soda. For trips of a week or more, ideally have a couple of days free from any alcohol to give your body a rest. Some of our clients like to set themselves a time in the day up until which they will stay away from alcohol. Remember to stay hydrated, especially if you’re somewhere hot, and always have something to eat before having a drink. This will slow the release of alcohol into your bloodstream.
Read more: 6 Tips For Healthier Drinking
It is possible to strike a balance between enjoying yourself and not overdoing it if you’re trying to avoid holiday weight gain. If you do end up over indulging on your vacation, don’t beat yourself up about it. But don’t let it trigger a spiral of excess. Simply get up the next day and start your day with a large glass of water and a healthy breakfast, or an extended fasting window to give your digestive system a bit of a break.
Above all, enjoy your holiday. Make conscious, mindful choices and enjoy treats without guilt. Don’t let worrying about weight loss ruin your holiday.
If you’re heading on holiday and feel concerned that you’ll struggle to manage your food intake, we can help. We are a team of nutritionists who specialise in weight loss and health optimisation. Our five pillar Intelligent Weight Loss Method is designed to help you overcome your health, weight and eating challenges, achieve your ideal weight and maintain it long term. If you’d like to speak with us about how we can help you, click this link to book yourself in for a complimentary call with a member of our team today.
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